Greetings Friends!
Just back from nearly a week in the Southland, beginning with WitchCamper
Dawn Marlowe and the folks at The Magician's Cabinet in Crestline in the San
Bernardino Mountains. Crestline only has 9,000 residents, about a dozen of whom
attended my workshops on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Willow Kelly, another
WitchCamper, picked me up at the airport and we had a nice long visit in her
truck on the way up into the mountains. Dawn's beautiful children, Rudy and
Summer, graciously vacated their room so I had one to myself. Thanks to Andee,
Marcus, Carrie (yet another WitchCamper) for humor, walks, indulgences of many
Arrived at the home of the elegant and accomplished Wendy Griffin in Long
Beach early enough on Friday to have long conversations in her beautiful bungalow
furnished with exquisite California Craftsman furniture and lots of goddess
art, drums and ethnic tchotchkes.
Our hostesses, the Temple of Isis/Los Angeles, affiliates of the Fellowship
of Isis (FoI) in Ireland, lavishly spread out food and drink for our consumption.
Wendy's kitchen served as forum for fascinating reflections on the current state
of Paganism, feminist issues, creative syncretization, group dynamics and general
letting down of tresses. Not to mention the welcome contributions of Laura and
Kat. ;-)
I had the chance to talk with Caroline Wise, co-owner of Atlantis Books, the
oldest metaphysical bookstore in London, sponsor of local moots and a place
of pilgrimage for Pagan visitors to that country. Caroline was impressed with
the fact that I'm walking in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in memory of
Golden Dawn pioneer Florence Farr, among others. (If you've considered supporting
me financially in this venture, email me for a pledge form.) In the early '90s,
Caroline produced some of Florence's rare plays as a fundraiser for breast cancer
research, an inspiration she received in a dream.
I regret that Letetia Layson, new HPS of Circle of Aradia, and I were unable
to carry on our discussion stimulated by the above-mentioned letting down of
tresses, but I'm trusting that the opportunity will come in the not-too-distant
Early the next morning Wendy and I arrived at Long Beach State University's
Student Union building for the all-day Isis 2000 FoI Convention, where the wonderful
frame drumming group, Lipushau (named for High Priestess in the Temple of the
Moon in ancient Ur, and the oldest named drummer in all of history), opened
the event with drumming and a processional of attendees who'd brought goddess
images to place on the communal altar. I silently snarled at myself for leaving
my fat porcelain Eleanor Myers goddess in my suitcase, so instead borrowed a
wee image of Sekhmet. If you ever have the opportunity to hear Lipushau, grab
it - especially for the haunting voice of Berit Jordahl.
Each guest presenter was accompanied by a local hostess, mine being the charming
Kris Fawcett. In addition, each of us received a delightful Isis 2000 tote bag
filled with goodies - like emptying a stocking on Yule morn. Better yet, like
digging around in Mother Bertcha's old bag. Elfkat enjoyed manifesting this
project and all recipients had great fun digging into the bag for treat after
My afternoon workshop, Meeting Death, Grieving Loss, went well and evoked
some tears. An example of what a small world we live in - Loreon, keeper of
Isis Oasis in Geyserville, CA and shelterer of exotic animals like ocelots,
told us of her partner's liver transplant and the Pagan-sensitive doctor they
encountered at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Turns out
that the doctor, whom Loreon had said had "picked up on the fact that we were
Pagans," told her of TPBOL&D and me, was my stepdaughter, Lee Wolfer, M.D.!
After the closing ritual, producers and presenters retired to Maria's house
nearby for a catered meal, lots of enjoyable socializing, and indulgence in
champagne and other substances. There I became reacquainted with Peter Paddon
and his wife Linda, whom I'd forgotten that I'd met two years ago at a Clan
of Tubal Cain/Roebuck Tradition/Ancient Keltic Church ritual I attended with
Chas Clifton at the Finnans' house in Tujunga. Peter, the only male featured
presenter, is Priest Hierophant of the Lyceum of Sekhmet and Ptah which meets
regularly in North Hollywood.
Wendy and I returned to her hot tub under the stars, warded by her friendly
new black dog, Tor.
Photo by Lunaea Weatherstone ©2000 |
Sunday MaryScarlett Amaris picked me up to take us to a rendezvous at a former
Carmelite convent, now a Buddhist monastery, on Long Beach Harbor, where there
remains, as a condition of the transfer of ownership, a beautiful white statue
of Mary Mother of God, on the half shell, facing the harbor filled with oil
derricks. There we arrayed Mary with ribbons, beads and flowers, lit candles
at Her feet and Lunaea took photos of the five of us - MaryScarlett, Caroline Wise, Laura Janesdaughter, MaryScarlett,
Isadora Forrest and me.
From there we went to the International Buddhist Progress Society in Hacienda
Heights. This is a huge complex of temples and gardens used by many different
Buddhist sects. We went because one of the Boddhisatvas enshrined there is a
version of Kwan Yin, the only female image of the five. It also happened that
the Buddha's birthday was on Saturday so the Sunday crowd at the temple was
unusually large. We offered propitiations of various kinds (incense, bathing
of statues, chants, flowers and offering trays) to the Buddha and Boddhisatvas
both before and after lunch in the temple dining room. It was a gorgeous Southern
California Spring day marred only by the murky air that obscured some of the
panoramic view from the temple heights. This is the very temple where VP Al
Gore got into campaign funding trouble.
Laura and I proceeded to Santa Monica to meet the ReWeaving folks who'd arranged
a Chants & Enchantment workshop in the local UU church, in a room with a beautiful
full-muraled wall depicting significant events and people in the development
of Universal Unitarianism, from its origins in Transylvania to its contemporary
manifestations on the West Coast of North America.
This particular workshop is a 'feel-good' one and the 30+ people who attended
reconfirmed that. I was delighted to see Stacey, a former student of mine and
recent participant (wearing Oshun) in the Goddesses Alive! ritual performed
at PantheaCon 2000, and Pam, Callie and Jennifer from OCLC-CoG. (Pam and I experienced
a bolt of lightning on the copper-ringed open dome of the Temple of Sekhmet
in the Nevada desert when we shared a pilgrimage and ritual there in September
Special thanks to Dori, Cheryl, Ilyana and Phoenix of ReWeaving for all the
work they did to ensure a good turnout and to make me feel so very welcome.
Among FoI, ReWeaving and OCLC-CoG, I expect to return to present more workshops
in the future. Lauren and Abby, seeds have been sown to bring the masks to So.Cal.
Richard, this is the first trip in ages when I didn't have an opportunity to
use a geologically correct grounding meditation. Patricia and Beth, the Irish
goddesses will likely reveal Themselves in So.Cal. sometime, too. Mevlanen,
your meditation continues to evoke meaningful experiences with workshop attendees.
After such an enjoyable working visit, I rejoiced in returning to Corby and
the foggy, oak- and bay-covered, wild iris-strewn hills of Marin County.
Feeling blessed,
Back to the

Hello Friends!
Sorry for delay in updating you on my travels. The day after I got home I had
committed to work for an attorney full-time and I really needed the money. Traveling
the broomstick circuit, though gratifying, is not necessarily lucrative, at
least not yet. This is the first weekday I've had to work on my own stuff.
Shadowmas was an adventure. Sponsored by the Pagan Community Council of Ohio,
it was held in a Camp Fire Girls campground in the beautiful Hocking Hills.
As those camps are, the cabins were kinda moldy, and it rained hard most of
the time so we were confined indoors. I had a raincoat, but no good shoes for
mucking about in the mud.
On Saturday I did two workshops, both well received. Only when I arrived did
I find out that I was essentially responsible for the main ritual! I'd offered
to collaborate, the person I was supposed to collaborate with never contacted
me, and I only met her about an hour before the ritual was scheduled to happen.
So I worked out something with a lovely woman named Kim from the ADF in Cincinnati.
We managed to conscript some Quarter-callers, of uneven skill. We found a large
kettle in the kitchen and a wooden spoon, so we filled the kettle with water
and consecrated it a Cerridwen's cauldron. I called Cerridwen and then led a
walking meditation in the dim light into Her cauldron, where we met our ancestors
- those in whom we take pride and those who shame us - and our descendants.
Coming out of the cauldron, we did a slow spiral dance to the chant, "On the
same wheel we spin, into life and out again, one is many, many one, brewing
in Her cauldron." There were only about 45 people. I kept the spiral going for
about 20-30 minutes. I could see that some folks were utterly entranced and
really digging every second of it, but I was unsure about other people's physical
condition and stamina.
Afterwards, one person said her hip was just about to give her trouble when
I concluded the dance so the timing was perfect for her. Another said she could
have gone on another half hour. It's a judgment call. I was flattered that one
man, who's been practicing magic since he was 12 and is Gardnerian-trained (though
not strictly Gardnerian at this point in his life), in his 40s maybe, told the
PCCO organizers that the Cerridwen ritual was the best one he had ever participated
in at any PCCO event, ever - and he attends most.
Back in Columbus, I met up with my friend from the Biodiversity Project, Joe
Heimlich, who teaches environmental ed. at Ohio State University, and he took
me to a great intimate birthday party in his home. We were entertained by a
wonderful jazz pianist on Joe's baby grand, a drummer (brushes, actually) and
jazz singer Jeannette Williams, who is simply fabulous! Not to mention hand-made
chocolate covered strawberries made by a retired candy-maker Joe took me to
see the sights of Columbus in the mornings before his classes.
I was surprised to learn what a sophisticated city Columbus is, second largest
R&D city in the world, among other things. I also phoned my cousin Warren, a
history professor at OSU for the past 30 years, whom I last saw and spoke with
in 1959!!! That's right, no typo, 1959, 40 years ago. On my final night in Columbus,
Joe and his partner Jim took me to dinner at an upscale restaurant called Out
On Main for an exquisite meal and relaxing conversation.
On Monday night I gave a death and dying workshop at The Shadow Realm. There
were about 25 people there, and all seemed to think it was well worth their
while. On Tuesday I gave another one at Fly-by-Night. Attendance was smaller.
One woman afflicted with breast cancer said she was so grateful . I'm
always deeply touched when people in crisis come and feel they've gotten something
of value from my work.
As soon as I returned, I was contacted by my friend Megory Anderson, founder
of the Sacred Dying Foundation, to represent the Pagan faith traditions at a
first-ever event called "Paper Money, Pyres, and Pigs' Heads: Multicultural
and Multifaith Beliefs and Practices at the End of Life," an evening of discussion
for funeral industry professionals and hospice workers co-sponsored by one of
the oldest funeral homes in San Francisco and the Sacred Dying Foundation. I
think this is the beginning of some very important work that will expand.
Plans for the mega-Spiral Dance, Samhain itself, and writing deadlines will
consume the rest of this week. Now if I could only just sit down and get this
book written . . .
Samhain blessings to all,
Back to the

4 October 1999 -- Vermont, Massachusetts and Upstate
New York
Hello Friends!
This is a big one cuz it was a big, long, tiring and ultimately rewarding trip.
Began with fouled up plane connections, arriving in Burlington, VT for Pagan
Pride Day, booksigning and some workshops. Saved by the lovely and Functional
Lilith Ravenroot, whose hospitality mitigated much of the strain.
Speech for PPD went well, I thought. I had tons of good material that can be
improved by a more polished presentation. Overall, I feel good about it, and
received positive feedback. I talked a lot about what's happening in American
Pagan culture, mentioned artists and composers like Sparky Rabbit, Charlie Murphy,
Holly Tannen, Ruth Barrett, Cyntia Smith, Serpentine, scholars Hutton, Harvey,
Crowley, Magliocco, Frew, Orion, Salomonsen, Lewis, Griffin, Foltz, Blain, Gibbons,
Dashu, Clifton. I thank Sparky, Laura Spellweaver, Judy Harrow and Finn for
ideas incorporated into my speech.
Spent two days with Randy, Leonard, five horses, innumerable geese, turkeys
and chickens, two dogs and six cats at Randy's farm in Plainfield, VT. Randy's
built a stone circle, a labyrinth and a pond. She and I took advantage of the
rare opportunity for us to do magic together the night before I left.
Arrived at Jerrie Hildebrand's for CUUPS Convo in Salem, Mass. Tripped around
historic and tourist Salem with my old Goddard friend Virginia. Stimulating
and informative panel discussion on contemporary Paganism with nine panelists
- Jimmy Two Feathers, Ellen Evert Hopman (Druid), Lord Orion Foxwood, Deirdre
and Andras Arthen, Phyllis Curott, Rev. Gail Seavey (Pagan pastor of host UU
church), bruja Maria Hernandez, Joan VanBecelaere (Pres. of CUUPS) and me. It
was recorded and photographed, not sure of a video.
The local Salem papers gave the Convo positive front-page coverage before it
began, and then extensive Very Positive coverage, including front page and three
large color photos. Grove and Donata from Germany checked out the CUUPS Convo
on their way to the Witch Camp teachers' retreat in Seattle later that week.
At the Saturday night ritual we wove a web, using the weaving chant written
by Starhawk for an action at Livermore in early '80s, and hung the web from
the balconies in the sanctuary of the UU church. Making the Sunday morning service
all the more memorable were Elements banners in the quarters of this structure
built upon Masonic principles, according to Orion and church historians, procession
lead by Mz Imani and the drummers of Circle, Skin and Bones, followed by the
weekend's presenters, Quarter-calling by Orion, Andras, myself and Ellen, short
talks by Andras, Ellen, Maria Hernandez and Gail, homily by Jerrie/Keisha, and
- most meaningful to me - a beautiful concrete statue of a nude woman surrounded
by flowers on the main altar!
One of the biggest surprises of the trip was on Sunday night after the close
of the Convo when I walked Orion down to meet his dinner date, Laurie Cabot,
and she invited me to join them. We enjoyed each other - well, who cannot always
enjoy Orion! Laurie asked me to return to do a workshop, a possibility I'm open
to if it happens. After all the stories I'd heard about her and sometimes mocking
of her style, I have to say that whatever she may have done and whoever she
may have been in the past, I experienced none of the things for which she's
been criticized, and only experienced a gracious colleague.
Monday morning Jerrie/Keisha arranged for her, Orion and me to have a tour
of the new Witchcraft exhibit at the Salem Witch Museum with Director of Education
Alison D'Amario. You'll be hearing more from me about this, but for now let
me just say that all three of us were choked up and moved to tears. We've come
a long way, my friends.
Two death and dying workshops on Tuesday at Tarr & Feathers in Greenfield,
Mass. were attended by people whose presence did me great honor, among them,
Penny Novack and Joan Carruth. The afternoon workshop I didn't expect to be
all that well-attended; it turned out that most of the participants were R.N.'s,
some Craft and others not, and one was an Episcopal priest who is a hospital
chaplain wishing to serve her Pagan patients better. I can't begin to tell you
the many things I learned from these special people!
All in all, during my six days in Salem and on various car journeys with Keisha,
we enjoyed many intimate conversations about both Pagan and personal matters.
I'm grateful for the chance to deepen our friendship.
On Wednesday I had a great conversation with my hostess Cat Chapin-Bishop as
she drove me out to visit with the extraordinarily magical Mark Roblee. Mark
took me to their Hekate tree, we talked and talked, he and Jackie are expecting
a Brigit baby that I feel will be a girl. Back at Cat's, Beth Carlson came to
talk, we went to a booksigning at Karin and Emilie's store in Northampton, and
in came an ailing Sylvia Brallier and her companion, Orion Stormcrow! After
a delicious dinner spiced with fascinating conversation, followed by a heart-opening
chants and enchantment workshop, Orion and I, Sylvia and Beth, talked in the
local park for hours.
Mary Colleen MacDougall and I stepped on a stray sod on Thursday on our way
to meet Rev. Robert Brown at a toll booth in Albany, NY, and I ended up having
an unplanned but utterly delightful visit with my old friend Moose. Rob ended
up driving back to Ithaca that night and picking me up at Moose's the next day.
Two workshops at Cornell. Magical pilgrimage to Taughannock Falls, a gorge
of water and oil shale, with Rob and Jen Johnson. Learned lots about Druidry,
plants, trees, fam-trads, initiations, and the sacred kava kava rite. Richard,
the geologically correct grounding meditations for Burlington, VT and Salem,
Mass. were much appreciated by Pagans in those places - thanks! I am so happy
to be home with Corby for these next four days!!!!!
Back to the
14 August 1999 -- Between the Worlds (somewhere in the
Hello Friends,
Just back from eight days at Return to Avalon, a private festival/retreat
in the Midwest. What a fabulous time I had!!! Diana Paxson and I travelled and
roomed together, as co-featured presenters. I had the honor of serving as her
guide for her first seidh (Norse oracular tradition) session.
I presented five 90-minute workshop, one every day, to "elders of the Craft."
What a challenge! I gotta admit I was really sweating it for weeks before, but
just as my friend Sparky had told me, the Avalon Witches were very forgiving
and seemed eager to hear what I had to offer. I did two workshops on aspects
of death and dying, one each on the Pentacle of Iron and the Pentacle of Pearl,
one on Earth Religion and the City. I read Pitch's meditations on the points
of Iron during a meditation, and the Witches there just loved his poetry,
asked where they could find more, if they could have copies of those poems.
(Not at this time, per Pitch.)
The Earth Religion and the City workshop, title thanks to Chas, really stimulated
everyone who came. Thanks to Richard Ely for help with a solid "geologically
correct" grounding meditation; to the Monterey Bay Aquarium for a visual/tactile
aid (an "Earth" ball); to Gus for perspectives on agriculture and diet; to Finn
for perspectives on hunting and Herne's Law; to Rose Wise of Ozark Avalon for
her pledge of allegiance to her Ozark bioregion; to Lynn Pacifico and others
for stories of the little things they do to maintain healthy biodiversity in
urban environments; to Andras and ESC for the great chant; to Estelle for the
ancient, ancient local stone; and to all the knowledgeable Witches who had stories,
URLs and other sources to share.
This was the workshop I was sweating the most, consequently the one I put most
work into, and not surprisingly, really, the one people were most ready for.
Enthusiasm was so great, eagerness to talk and share so palpable, that I found
it necessary to claim time and ground to present the materials I had brought.
We could easily have filled another session or more. Our communities are growing,
and with that growth comes more concerns for where and how we fit into Her web.
Also lead an "elders roundtable" discussion on the concepts and reality of
dedication/initiation/elevation/ordination. Very late at night, about 30 people,
stimulating and just as confusing as ever.
Diana and I managed to find time for a tour of the onyx caves under the campground,
so very different from caves I've been in in California. Not nearly as scary
to me, but then maybe I've just overcome my irrational but intense fear. Anyway,
I didn't panic and go into shock as I usually do.
Got to hang out and talk shop with my Midwestern Witch buddies - Sparky, Steve,
Earthkin, Elvis, KJ, Sonje, Magenta. Got to meet cool new Witches like Beal,
Ezzie, Caveman, Mel, Owl and kids, Judy, Robin, 'Dite, Sybil, Stephanie, Trish,
Barry, Bacchus, Artemis the magnificent fire juggler, Alvin, Lila, Cerridwen,
Lilith, and many others.
The highlight of the week for me was participating in Sparky Rabbit's wonderful
ritual called "The Union of Earth and Sky: A Ceremony for Thor and Freyr." Leading
the procession as Mother Sun with Mel, KJ and the wee ones Sonje and Archer
was awesome. (I know that's an overused and misused word, but what else is it
when awen is present?) This was an entirely new form of ritual for me,
perhaps for several of us.
I'd looked forward to working with Sparky, Steve, Elvis and KJ, whom I already
knew and cherished. I also got the extra kick of working with Owl and the Nighttime
Stars, Keith/Thor, and rune-bearers Hope and Niniane. Following this with campfire
discussions of how it came out, and then with Robin's and Steve's workshop on
Giving Great Rite, creating effective large-group rituals, gave me many new
perspectives on ritual that I'm eager to try out. We had points of disagreement
about what can and cannot work, informed by our different experiences, successes
and failures.
I came home exhausted and whammied into mundania by a broken alternator in
my car, an accident my 88-year-old mother had in my absence, legal work demands,
planning next trips (too many, it feels like).
All in all, my life and magical practice have been enriched. I'm grateful to
have had the opportunity to interact with these Midwestern Witches, so committed
to Ma.
Back to the
22 March 1999 -- Orange County, California
Back from five days in Orange County, CA, guest of OCLC-CoG. Ritual collaboration
with the youthful Circle of the Triple Goddess for Ostara at Chapman Univ. Enchanting
dinner with Wendy, her circle and other friends in Long Beach - a real treat
to hang out with such fascinating, accomplished and engaged women.
I'd so looked forward to a pot luck with OCLC and workshop on building Pagan
community on Friday evening, but Fate had other plans. Little Ailin, 10 month-old
daughter of the woman who set up this trip, Glynna, picked up a stomach flu
the day before I arrived. By Thursday morning mama Glynna had it. On Friday
we did the ritual at Chapman without her, where I was feeling kinda headachey,
thought it was the bright Sun. My hostesses, OCLC-FO Sandy and her partner Darcelle
(two of Ailin's other mamas) took me to lunch after the ritual.
On the way home, I started; about two hours later Darcelle, who'd been playing
with Ailin during the planning meeting Wednesday night, began. By the time the
20 OCLC Witches arrived at Sandy & Darcelle's for potluck/workshop, Sandy was
the only one standing. There was just no way I could meet those good folks,
even for only 10 minutes, because I was either passed out or heaving. You know
how those things are. :-(
Saturday dinner with Pam and two students, followed by Earth Religion & the
City workshop in Riverside. Richard, as usual, the grounding was a winner. Three
or four people asked for it. To anyone reading this, Richard Ely gets my gratitude
once again for sharing geological foundation. (Same for the Chapman ritual.)
Chas gets thanks for the title. Many of you (Anna, Sophia, Lynn, the Biodiversity
Project Spirituality Working Group, et al.) for inspiring stories of eco-sensitivity
and harmonious living.
Culminating death and dying workshop in Costa Mesa. Full house on a splendid
Southern California Sunday afternoon (of the Oscars, even). Two women who are
in the dying process, their caregivers and circles, attended, plus a woman who'd
lost her sister mere days before. It's such an honor to be able to provide a
forum for personal and community growth and deepening! The owner of Crystal
Cave was happy with the large number of books sold, too.
Practical demands of earning a livelihood are temporarily interfering with
further work. Holly and Beverly, I continue to sow your CDs in fertile ground.
Peter and Denise, there are some potential buyers of your photo book waiting
in Orange County. GCH, your meditation touches more people with each workshop.
Back to the

Dear Friends,
Well, after sitting packed 500 in a plane in the snow in Chicago-O'Hare for
nearly eight hours, with no food and funky air, and after mended wiring, inspection,
paperwork, de-icing, refueling, waiting for clearance and snowplows, two more
de-icings and another refuel, I finally arrived at SFO 13 hours after I boarded
that plane, only to be greeted by the fact that the airporter buses had ceased
running for the night. Hungry and grumpy, I phoned a sleeping Corby, who rescued
me. Bless him!!!
We got home after 3:00 a.m., and now I'm coming alive again. The travel was
for The Biodiversity Project's Spirituality Working Group retreat at a Benedictine
center in Wisconsin. I'll be writing more in detail elsewhere, but wanted to
give you a sense of what a marvelous experience this was.
We were 15 invitees, running the full spectrum from an evangelical Christian
who works for the environment ("saving God's glorious creation") all the way
to yours truly, generally speaking for Craft/Paganism/Nature/Earth religions.
One other participant, religious scholar John Grim, who works with mainly Ojibways
and Crees and is adopted son in some of their families, spoke for spiritualities
of immanence rather than transcendence. We were ten men and five women, three
African-Americans (one of whom was part Cherokee), no Asians or 'others,' D.C.
lobbyists and policymakers were prevalent.
The manager of the Backyard Habitat Program of the National Wildlife Federation;
executive director of Center for Respect of Life & the Environment; president,
North American Coalition on Christianity & Ecology; Coalition on the Environment
& Jewish Life; president of The Wildernesss Society; Black Church Environental
Justice Program, National Council of Churches; Yellowstone to Yukon, Canadian
Parks & Wilderness; director of media relations, Defenders of Wildlife; editor
of Sierra magazine; National Religious Partnership for the Environment; public
liaison, US EPA; CoG and Reclaiming. The EPA representative was also Buddhist
and African American/Cherokee.
I gotta say I was blown away. These were lovely, lovely people of depth and
commitment. It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with them. I'm honored
to have been invited to represent our growing Pagan population.
Back to the

25 February 1999 -- Massachusetts and New York City
Greetings, friends, I'm back from a crazy two weeks in the Northeast -- exhausted
and exhilarated!!!
Besides hanging out at Glenwood Farm with the Arthens, I got to meet and hold
baby Olivia; marvel at the growth of Donovan, Isobel and Alex; take a walk in
the Berkshire snow with Mark Roblee; schmooze with Cat, Peter, Spellweaver,
the Novaks, Phyllis, et al.; share a room Orion and fun with him, Imani, et
al.; hang out with Jerrie and Wesley in charming Salem; chew the fat with Joann
and Betty; Bob Stewart; do a stimulating workshop with the Gotham-CoG Witches;
renew friendships with Rich, Singing Cow, Jonathan, Christopher; trip around
the Village with Lynn (ran into Jone and family in a restaurant on Bleeker
St. no less!); coffee & bagels with Margot; dine with Judy; tea with Ioenn and
friends; share intimacies and dish with Grove (no, we won't tell you; it's a
3š secret); dine with Judy H.; lunch with Jennie D.; and sit in Eclipse's temple.
Sue C. gave me a helpful Tarot reading, and Lynn updated my chart (in anticipation
of my birthday, which is today) and advised me on toxicities, nutrition and
general body maintenance. I was sorry to have missed Deborah A.L. and Beth C.;
Laura v.B., Debbie F-B., Moose, et al., drat! But hopefully another time.
Also got to turn folks on to three new CDs by Reclaiming Witches Holly Tannen,
Beverly Frederick and Thorn Coyle. Since this was my first visit to Western
Massachusetts, my last visit to Boston was in 1980, and my last to The Big Apple
was way back in 1971, it was a rather big deal for me. Not only that, but the
Greyhound from Boston to NYC passed the town where I was born and which I have
not visited since I left in 1946 - a couple of generations ago!!!
The earliest I'm likely to be back is September, if things work out. That would
be to Salem, Mass. Special thanks to the Arthens, Jerrie, Joann, Grove, Brightshadow,
Gotham First Bat Susan, Marin, Beth, and Lynn. Surely I've overlooked people
who've done me kindnesses, and to those I apologize.
When I left the East Coast, the maples were being tapped for sugar, an icy
wind was blowing off the Hudson, and big soft snowflakes fell on us in Brooklyn.
Aside from countless emails, I returned to a blossoming plum tree and big yellow
daffodils in front of our condo. She changes everything She touches.
Love and blessings of the living land,
Back to the

Broomstick image adapted from
"Woolbats" type by Elsa Die Löwin