
Macha is available to create or collaborate on original rituals, including Rites of Passage such as baby blessings, first bloods, handfastings, marriages, funerals and memorials. She specializes in creating mixed-faith rituals.

The following rituals were created to suit the group and venue:

Bridget: A Celebration of the Triple Goddess of Forge, Flame, and Healing Springs

Auburn Theological Seminary Center for Multifaith Education, New York, February 2005
Meet Bridget, give thanks, ask a boon, offer praise, and rededicate yourself to Her. Carry Her light into your life and into the world.

“Witchual: A Spell”

Sacred Harvest Festival, August 2004; PantheaCon, February 2005
A spell to view the dark and light in ourselves and our communities, to recommit to Goddess, and to reclaim and honor stereotypes. Text by William Shakespeare, Victoria Slind-Flor and Macha. Homage to Steven Posch. Approach in solemn silence and follow the dark and twisted path. Dare to meet your inner Witch, incarnate and magnified three times. Dance with hags and partake of the Witches’ magic brew — if you dare! “‘Tis time, ’tis time.”

Praise Be Lady Liberty!

A collaborative ritual with Sam Webster and Vibra Willow, for Pagan Pride Day in San Francisco, September 2002.
A procession and emplacement of a replica, by artist Fiona Zimmer, of the Statue of Liberty that stands in New York Harbor. Created to bring Bay Area and American Pagans together in harmony, unity and celebration. This is the chant we used, by Vibra Willow:

We shall sing of the old gods,
For we know we are free.
We shall keep Her sacred flame alive.
Praise be Lady Liberty!

A Marvelous Place for a Moondance

Summerset 2001, with the folks at Summerset

Full Moon in Grand Staircase

Escalante National Monument, Utah
A ritual to empower and protect local wilderness preservation activists and to open the Escalante Wilderness Action Gathering. Co-designed with Juniper Brighidsdottir, Valley High and Michael Finnegan Rhys. May 2000

Goddesses Alive! A Participatory Ritual

PantheaCon 2000, San Francisco, CA
A processional and experiential ritual of masked, embodied goddesses to bring a re awareness of the Goddess into current Pagan practices. We encounter the goddess embodied by 13 priestesses wearing stunning leather goddess masks created by Lauren Raine.
M. Macha NightMare and Witchy Friends — Lauren Raine, Amadae, Tami Griffith, Deborah Grenn-Scott, Mary Kay Landon, with help from others.
Goddesses Alive! was recreated as A Rainbow of Goddesses in December of 2000.

Dancing the Goddess Home

Created with Abby Willowroot for Goddess 2000
A ritual shared literally globally, with contributions from a wide range of Traditions.

Cerridwen’s Cauldron: A Ritual Brew

Originally created for Shadowmas 1999, this ritual involves a simple yet deeply moving guided walking journey into Cerridwen’s cauldron where we are all one, where we meet our ancestors and our descendents, before returning to the mundane world with new understanding and appreciation.

Meeting the Fates

A ritual to come into a conscious alignment with your Fate. Co-priestessed with Oz Anderson and Amber K, with Circle of the Wintermoon, Albuquerque, and Crowymyn, Durango. Culmination of “Living and Dying in the Craft of the Wise,” Magical Mountain Mabon, Jemez Mountains, NM., September 1998.

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