- “Bone Blossom Channels Spiderwoman,” Patheos.com, October 3, 2011
- “Midwinter Reflections: Light in the Dark,” December 2010
- “Pagan Religions on the Web,” Patheos.com, August 17, 2009
- “Pagan Pride, San Francisco,” Witchvox, Sept. 21, 2003
- “Third Annual Witches’ Meeting, São Paolo, Brazil,” Witchvox, June 13, 2003
- “Why I Love Samhain” The Witches’ Voice, 2003; Circle Magazine, Issue No. 85, Fall 2002
- “Reclaiming Tradition Witchcraft: A History” in Reclaiming Quarterly, No. 88, Autumn 2002
- “My May Morn,” The Witches’ Voice, Beltane 2002
- “Meteor Showers: An Amazing View from California,” Witchvox, November 23, 2001
- “The Mighty Dead, the Beloved Dead and Us,” The Witches’ Voice, Samhain 2001

- “Pagan Seminaries and Ovaria,” in Accord: Journal of the Council of Magickal Acts, Fall 2001
- “Pagan Seminaries and Ovaria,” in PagaNet News, Vol. 8, No. 6, Mabon 2001
- “Reclaiming Tradition Witchcraft, Witchvox Jan. 13, 2001
- “Chants & Enchantment: The Magic of Vocal Spellcasting” in PanGaia #26, Winter 2000-01
- “Remembering the Dead in Community,” Hole in the Stone: A Journal of the Wiccan Life, Samhain 2001
- “Ministering to the Grieving and Pagan Funeral Rites” in Llewellyn’s 2001 Magical Almanac
- “The Curse of the Morrigan: A Spell,” Bastille Day, 2001
- “Masks in Magical Meetings — II” in Reclaiming Quarterly No. 78, Spring 2000
- “The W Word: Why We Call Ourselves Witches” in Reclaiming Quarterly, Midsummer 1998
- “Masks in Magical Meetings” in The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, Issue No. 4, Beltane 1998, Vancouver, B.C.
- “The Role of Elders in the Pagan Community” in Green Egg: A Journal of the Awakening Earth, Vol. 29, No. 115, “Pagan Elders,” October 1996
- “Remembering Raven” in Reclaiming Newsletter, # 63, Summer 1996
- “Reflections on the Ball Dance” in The Reclaiming Newsletter, #44, Fall 1991
- Editor, The Covenant of the Goddess Newsletter, 1986-87
- WomanBlood: Portraits of Women in Poetry and Prose, edited by Aline O’Brien, Chrys Rasmussen and M. Catherine Costello, Continuing Saga Press, 1981 (out of print) San Francisco, CA (co-editor/co-publisher)
- The Fat Cat Press, Editor and Publisher, privately published anthology, Goddard College Adult Degree Program, 1977, Asilomar, CA.