Periodicals & Online

Macha the cover girl.
  • “Pagan Seminaries and Ovaria,” in Accord: Journal of the Council of Magickal Acts, Fall 2001
  • “Pagan Seminaries and Ovaria,” in PagaNet News, Vol. 8, No. 6, Mabon 2001
  • Reclaiming Tradition Witchcraft, Witchvox Jan. 13, 2001
  • Chants & Enchantment: The Magic of Vocal Spellcasting” in PanGaia #26, Winter 2000-01
  • “Remembering the Dead in Community,” Hole in the Stone: A Journal of the Wiccan Life, Samhain 2001
  • Editor, The Covenant of the Goddess Newsletter, 1986-87
  • WomanBlood: Portraits of Women in Poetry and Prose, edited by Aline O’Brien, Chrys Rasmussen and M. Catherine Costello, Continuing Saga Press, 1981 (out of print) San Francisco, CA (co-editor/co-publisher)
  • The Fat Cat Press, Editor and Publisher, privately published anthology, Goddard College Adult Degree Program, 1977, Asilomar, CA.
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