Recommended Reading

There are many excellent bibliographies for the student of Witchcraft on the world wide web. In addition to the books commonly found on these bibliographies, I have a few to add that I think deserve your attention. Some of them are:

Heart of Tarot: An Intuitive Approach, by Amber K and Azrael Arynn K, with foreword by yours truly (although it doesn’t say that on the cover, as is customary with forewords). This book describes a Gestalt method of Tarot reading developed my my late friend John Patrick McClimans and passed on to Amber through other friends. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

Spiritual Mentoring: A Pagan Guide, by Judy Harrow. Montreal: ECW Press, 2002. As a priestess, Judy Harrow examines, weighs, tastes, blends and stirs a potent brew. Using inclusive language and respecting all our intertwining and diverging Pagan paths, the author adds depth, breadth and maturity to our Pagan faith traditions, and she does it with erudition and grace.

Devoted to You: Honoring Deity in Wiccan Practice, by Judy Harrow, Alexei Kondratiev, Geoffrey W. Miller and Maureen Reddington-Wilde. Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing Corp., New York: 2002. Judy Harrow and her three colleagues have mined four precious, and singularly unique, jewels from the rich ground of contemporary Paganism. Each stone has been cut and polished with the care and perfection of a fine jeweler, and now their glittering, multicolored splendor can be enjoyed by all.

Irish Spirit: Pagan, Celtic, Christian, Global, Patricia Monaghan, editor, Dublin, Ireland: Wolfhound Press, 2001. I have a piece in this book called “Bridey in Cyberspace.” This book will soon be published in the U.S. Check this site for updates.

Deepening Witchcraft: Advancing Skills and Knowledge, by Grey Cat. Montreal: ECW Press, 2002. With this book, Grey Cat takes a keen look at many of our attitudes and assumptions. While we may not agree with everything she says — which is as it should be — this book takes us one more giant step towards maturity as a movement, and as spiritually satisfying faith tradition(s). She then reflects them back to us in a way that calls for us to look at ourselves and our ways with a clear eye and a sharp mind. And she does so with her unmistakable Southern ‘tude. As we move out of the shadows of the broom closet and into the bright light of our wider communities, each of us can benefit from reading the thoughts, experiences, observations and wisdom of this Crone.

Wiccan Meditations: The Witch’s Way to Personal Transformation, by Laura Wildman. New York: Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing Corp., 2002. Pathworking is one of the easiest and most difficult, the most accessible and the most mysterious, of priest/ess skills to master. Drawing from her remarkable depth and breadth of experiences as a high priestess, Laura Spellweaver offers, with lucid analyses and creative recommendations, a rich source of material for all of us to draw upon to deepen our practice. What a gift Laura has given to magical folk everywhere! A thorough and impressive teaching and learning text.

What’s Your Wicca IQ?, by Laura Wildman. New York: Citadel Press/Kensington Publishing Corp., 2002. This is a book for the curious who are entirely unacquainted with Witchcraft and Paganism. It’s also a book for people new on the path and learning more about us. And it’s for old-timers who might think they know a thing or two. Drawing from a array of sources both common and obscure, this High Priestess displays a breadth of knowledge to challenge readers’ knowledge of our practices, history, heritage and a vast spectrum of Craft-related topics, such as divination and herbalism. She also includes humor and trivia, making this book a great resource for Witchen parlor games. Best of all, she provides lots of resources for those who are inspired by its contents to dig deeper. Enjoy!

Seasons of the Witch: Poetry and Songs to the Goddess, by Patricia Monaghan. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2002. Includes CD. In this exquisite little volume, Patricia Monaghan upholds the noble bardic tradition wherein the words of the poet give voice to the ineffable. Her poetry offers glimpses of the great mysteries. Evoking laughter, love, tears, and insights, she speaks in the voice of the Divine.

The Twelve Wild Swans: A Journey to the Realm of Magic, Healing and Action. Rituals, Exercises and Magical Training in the Reclaiming Tradition, HarperSanFrancisco, 2000. This is a treasure. The ore is an old folk tale, mined for its basic magical Elements, refined with deep personal work, and set as brilliant stones in shining precious metals for the World to see, admire, pick up, enjoy, wear, and use. The wealth that has arisen from the work, insights and creativity of many women and men all over the country that has contributed to what has emerged as Reclaiming tradition Witchcraft fills me with gratitude for our unique and diverse community.

At the core of the Reclaiming tradition is the insight that spiritual practice, personal healing and political activism are the three legs of the cauldron in which wisdom and magic are brewed.
— Starhawk and Hilary Valentine

Witchcrafting: A Practical Guide to the Spirituality of Witchcraft, by Phyllis Curott. New York: Broadway Books, 2001. Like any Witch worth her salt, Phyllis both outrages and delights her co-religionists. She courageously takes many shibboleths held dear to Witches out of the broom closet, dusts them off, polishes them up, and looks at them afresh. This book goes a long way towards bringing Craft into the bright light of a healthy post-patriarchal world.

Ethics for a Small Planet: A Communication Handbook on the Ethical and Theological Reasons for Protecting Biodiversity, published by The Biodiversity Project. This book is comprehensive, accessible, practical, thorough and attractive. In addition to the text, it also contains a comprehensive list of resources, including speakers, a glossary, a bibliography, journals, organizations, videos and websites. If your coven, tradition or other Pagan organization wants a copy of this excellent publication, contact The Biodiversity Project, 214 N. Henry Street, Suite 201, Madison, WI 53703; voice: 608 250-9876; fax: 608 257-3513

Women in Leadership in Faith: Voices of Hope and Healing in a Troubled World, a book containing all the interviews, photographs and prayers documenting a year-long (2002-03) project identifying the major religions practiced in Marin County, California: independent voices representing those exploring faith from alternative directions and spiritual expression as well as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Thirty-four women, identified by the project director, Roberta Swan, as “cultural creatives,” those people who question existing social structures and find new means of expression, were interviewed and profiled. Among the interviewees are a Sufi leader, Catholic nuns, Jewish rabbis, Buddhist teachers, a Lutheran minister, a Presbyterian pastor, a Buddhist abbess, a hospice chaplain, a police chaplain, a housing advocate, a Tibetan lama, a Quaker activist, an Episcopal priest, a choir director, a Witchen priestess (yours truly, called Pagan ambassador), and many others. Available from Roberta Swan, P.O. Box 2460, Mill Valley, CA 94941. 415 389-0566; fax: 415 383-8210 e-mail: Also available is a small prayer book called Hope and Healing in a Troubled World: Prayers Selected by Women Faith Leaders (2003).

Pagans & Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience, by Gus diZerega, Llewellyn Publications, 2001. In writing Pagans & Christians, Dr. diZerega has made a valuable contribution to the enrichment of interfaith dialogue. And even more, to the vibrancy and sustainability of our own precious Pagan faith traditions. He articulates Pagan experience with clear vision, loving heart, subtlety of feeling, and solid facts. In accessible language, supported by documentation, he dispels many misconceptions. He draws upon his considerable erudition and experience to present clear, insightful, thought provoking explanations. From this book, Pagans and Christians alike can gain a more balanced and complete understanding of our own diversity, and of our commonalities. May his open-minded and open-hearted approach serve to enrich us all, and dispel any remaining climate of intolerance based on fear of the unknown. We Pagans are fortunate to have a Witch of Gus’ distinction contributing to the enrichment of our culture. This book is an important addition to the curriculum of seminaries and chaplaincies, and useful to all who are engaged in interfaith work. As a Witch involved in the field of death and dying (a universal experience regardless of religion) I plan to use it in my own interfaith work.

Daughters of the Goddess: Studies of Healing, Identity, and Empowerment, Wendy Griffin, editor. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press, 2000

Wicca Covens, by Judy Harrow, Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1999. Judy is a thealogically liberal Witch within the Gardnerian family whose own coven is hierarchical and very structured, but she takes into account the entire spectrum of coven structures, from the self-taught, self-generated kind to the hardcore lineage-based groups, and makes no value judgments as to which is “better.” The book includes perspectives from coven leaders of many kinds, the point being that their ideas come from observation and direct experience and aren’t just theoretical. So get thee to thy local independent bookseller, either neighborhood or online, and get this book for your permanent collection. It’s excellent.

Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, by Charles G. Leland, Blaine, WA: Phoenix Publishing, Inc., 1998. A new translation by Mario Pazzaglini. Ph.D. & Dina Pazzaglini, with additional material by Chas S. Clifton, Robert Mathiesen & Robert E. Chartowich, and a foreword by Stewart Farrar. Originally published in 1899, this is a fascinating look at a significant part of our Craft heritage.

The Goddess Path: Myths, Invocations & Rituals, by Patricia Monaghan. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1999

Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves: Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community, by Sarah M. Pike, UC Press, Berkeley, CA, 2001.

When, Why . . . If: An Ethics Workbook, by Robin Wood. Dearborn, MI: A Livingtree Book, 1996. Another book no Witch should be without, Robin presents accessible and straightforward topics – honesty, self, love, help, harm, sex, will and ethics – for anyone – Witch, Pagan or anything else – to help you know yourself and your motives better, and to proceed through life with an awareness of your conduct and its potential effects on others. You think the Rede is simple? This will help you interpret it for yourself.

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