M. Macha NightMare

Witch at Large

Macha's croning.

Fáilte. Welcome to my website.

I’m a Witch at Large living in the shadow of Mount Tamalpais (the Sleeping Lady) in Marin County, California. I call myself a Witch at Large because that’s what I am, not affiliated with any specific Craft traditions but embracing of all. I practice an eclectic style of Witchcraft learned from lots of folks over time and geography. My practice is a personal expression of those traditions and more.

About the name – it’s NightMare – capital “M” in the middle – the mare who rides through your dreams. It’s my “nom de broom,” just as legal as my mundane name. I’m well aware of how outrageous it is. Believe me, it’s not easy to wear, but there it is. I also go by my mundane name, the one my parents gave me: Aline O’Brien.

Like most Witches of my vintage, I searched for years before I found my path. My quest is informed, in part, by Second Wave Feminism and environmental concerns, blended with my lifelong interest in mythology and folklore and intuitive ways of knowing. When, around 1971, I finally found sympatico others practicing Craft, I was off on my broomstick.

My tradition of origin encourages the use of magic and direct action for political, environmental, economic, and social change. I’m dedicated to Pagan environmental activism, social justice, interfaith collaboration, and personal and community rites of passage. To that end, I speak on behalf of Witches and Pagans to interfaith groups, students, government entities, and the media.

I seek to promote spiritual and ecological awareness, to deepen personal and collective empowerment, and to foster community-building and social change. I offer talks, workshops, and all manner of collaborative efforts to support the growth and transformation of individuals and communities. I custom-design rituals and workshops for individuals and groups; and do collaborative ritual design and celebration. Also, lots of handfastings and weddings.

I invite others to join in co-creating a world that honors diversity, equity, and sustainability.

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